Wednesday, August 12, 2009

National Day Parade.. Disaster

once upon a time, there was a boy called. erm. dowan jazzen le. scared he rambo me. ok once upon a time there was a boy called DWAIN. =)

dwain died a horrible death. why, you may ask. we all have a lesson to learn from this. this is a report on the final moments leading up to his death..

the day is aug 9th.

57mins - he tells his lover phyee that he will never see her again. leaving her in tears, he gears up for his final act.

54mins - he has to find his ak47. he realises that he has left it at his friends house and goes to retrieve it.

37mins - he finds it. he then makes his way to the marina barrage.

29mins - he forces entry and lies in wait for the ndp to start.

8mins - he gets his chance! the emcee comes out and as he says 'goodmorning singapore..' he snatches the mike away and he says 'its goodAFTERNOON you idiot!'. he then proceeds to point his ak47 at the president.

3mins - after a tense standoff, he grabs the mike again. he then makes his fatal mistake. he says...


2mins - the people are incensed. they break down the barriers and rush towards dwain.

1min - dwain knows he's doomed. therefore, as a last resort, he decides to shoot at a few people with his ak47. to his horror, he discovers that it is a toy gun that he bought from ebay.

0min - dwain is torn to 09082008 pieces.

therefore, manymany lessons learnt.

1 - never gatecrash an national day parade and say the people suck
2 - make sure your gun is real
3 - never use ebay

now dwain's gna rambo me.

yours GL-LY, JESSE.

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