Friday, June 26, 2009

Education On Hokkien

today's lesson is very interesting as it is not a normal lesson. it is on hokkien. more specifically, three hokkien words that seem to be misused again and again by wannabe gangsters, ppl who think they're cool, and everyday ppl just like me and you.

guai-lan, xia-lan and du-lan.

sounds familiar? hardly a day goes past without hearing these words. haaaaa.


du-lan: frustrated
xia-lan: to guai-lan in a qian-bianner method
guai-lan: wad the glkias do everyday

therefore as with every language skillset we have to make sentences with the following words. we shall try. in fact we shall go one better and make a short story.

today i was going to school and feeling extremely du-lan because i had not finished any homework. also, i had to see my extremely guai-lan teacher. just then, i realised that my shirt was too tight and it was making me uncomfortable. just as i was getting accustomed to it, a boy named emmaus walked up to me and xia-laned me because my shirt was too tight. 'ha ha stupid noob!' and he ran away before i could do anything.

lets try again

'ur just a stupid retard! cant u see that 3+3=7!?' my teacher guai-laned me. i was bursting with anger, but i managed to control it. just then, my friend farted loudly. before anyone could react, he said, 'IT WAS EMMAUS!' and pointed at me in a xia-lan fashion. i was feeling so du-lan that i reached over and pulled his ears until they were as long as a meter ruler. which is a meter long.

go and have fun making use of these words! urs GUAI-LAN-LY, JESSE.

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